
recorder311 Stories

“recorder311 Stories” are stories recorded so that the experiences of 3/11 and the day itself will never be forgotten.

March 12: The First Meal After the Earthquake—When, Where and What Did You Eat?

The project is a participation style exhibition that exhibits photos of “meals” at the time of the disaster, such as photos related to emergency food distribution, grocery shopping, and people sharing meals at a table. Visitors were free to write sticky notes about what they remembered after seeing the photos and how they lived at the time. This exhibition was planned collaboratively by 3.11 Archive of Memories and center for remembering 3.11 (recorder311).

Rainbow Archive Tohoku

Our group gathers, records, and transmits direct accounts from LGBT people and people of various sexualities. By widely asserting the existence of these overlooked minorities in local communities, we hope to help people better understand their differences and find respect for each other, to create a more harmonious society for all. Our organization was founded in June 2013 by four groups based in Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture: Tohoku HIV Communications, Yarokko, Anego, and ♀×♀ Ochakko Nomikai, Sendai.

recorder311 Recording Hut

Talk to your family or friends about memories of that day, how life changed afterwards, and your feelings today. This project gives people a chance to ask the questions they couldn’t ask and open up about the things they’ve been wanting to say.

March 11 Fixed-Point Observation Photo Archive Project

20th Century Archive Sendai, a nonprofit organization, collaborates with residents to gather photos taken from fixed points in towns across Miyagi Prefecture that were damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake to observe how the areas have changed throughout the reconstruction and recovery, and to keep a record for future generations. URL:

Fixed-Observation Photo

Fixed-Point Observation Photos

Real Voices of Reconstruction

Audio recordings of interviews on reconstruction and community building, conducted in the field with residents affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The interviews and surveys of the current state of affected communities are used by students studying community building to explore future paths of rehabilitation.

View with Ears

A collection of distinctive sounds, recorded at places affected by the earthquake and tsunami, at particular times.

Forms of Support: Support Center Newsletter Live!

Members of civic groups, NPOs and NGOs conducting support activities in affected areas discuss how their activities started, and what future issues are anticipated.

Schools and Earthquake Disaster

"Schools and the Earthquake Disaster" is a series of interviews with teachers at seven elementary schools located in coastal Sendai. They talk about the evacuation process of school children and local people, shelter management, and how the evacuees got on until classes were restarted borrowing classrooms at other schools.

Tsurezuredan Channel: Shaking Raving 311

Members of Tsurezuredan, a voluntary group committed to making Tohoku life fun through games and play, talk informally about their own earthquake and tsunami experiences. Junko Sato records various episodes associated with the disaster with her spare and quirky illustrations.

Memory Salvage Channel

Projects to recover photographs from tsunami debris take place in many places affected by the disaster. In this program people involved in these projects discuss their activities.

Oyaji Stream Café: Earthquake, Blackout, Housework and Oyaji

A candid talk show that discusses disruptions to everyday life caused by earthquakes and blackouts. The program is hosted by artist and printmaker Yukihiko Ozaki, who manages the "Oyaji (lit. Old Man) Café." Ozaki shares episodes from viewers and suggests post-disaster living tips for staying resilient under such circumstances.

Dialogue Time - right now of now

Hosted by performing arts producer Chuji Mori, the program invites various guests to verbalize, through dialogue, their experiences of the tremor caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Debate at Jozenji Journal Web Edition

Jozenji Journal is a critical journal covering a wide range of topics, written by Futoshi Suzuki, a Big Issue vendor in Sendai. In this web edition, contemporary artist Atsushi Kadowaki engages in an honest debate with Suzuki on the post-disaster world.

Ubukoe Stream

DJ music shows presented by Show Tiku Bai Records ("a music lab that gives shape to ideas emerging from person-to-person ties"), broadcast from locations affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Each show closes with a requiem chosen by respective DJs.

Sharing Daily Living

People involved in production, such as farmers and charcoal makers, as well as private shop owners who deal with products, discuss how the disaster has affected food and everyday life.

Nantoganappe Project

Nantoganappe (lit. Things will work out) Project, which involves donating musical instruments to disaster-affected communities, was launched in late April, 2011. This program reports on the project's progress to date, and invites people involved in music from Miyagi who were affected by the disaster for discussions on how their involvement with music changed, or did not change, in the wake of the disaster. The program explores the potentiality of music through talks about what it means to the participants.

Café Philo Counter Talk

Post-production talk by staff members of Café Philo Thinking Table, on feeling of indebtedness about discussing the disaster, support activities, and the question of whether or not one is directly affected by the disaster.


A production meeting for documentary film Nami No Oto, directed by Ryusuke Hamaguchi, is webcast exactly as it took place. The meeting, attended by the director, reveals the progress of the film at the time. Interviews with the kataribe or storytellers who appear in the film are recorded as "Dialog".

Livable Homes

"Livable Home" is a series recording the reconstruction processes of homes, places, and lives affected by the tsunami.

Evacuation Route Research Institute

“Evacuation Route Research Institute” is a series that focuses on how people spent the time between the earthquake and the arrival of the tsunami on March 11. By establishing the time they reached higher ground and the time they were rescued, the series studies the evacuation routes of people who survived the tsunami.

Shogaisha (People with Disabilities) Graffiti

Obstacles in everyday life experienced by people with disabilities were aggravated and made more apparent by the recent earthquake and tsunami. In this program, people with disabilities and their supporters discuss what constitutes real normalization.