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June, 2011

recorder311 Stories 005

recorder311 Stories 005

I was in the central monitoring room in sendai mediatheque. The tremor was such that my body got thr...

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recorder311 Stories 004

recorder311 Stories 004

I was at Junkudo Bookstore in Sendai LOFT department store. The sales staff, including myself, led t...

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recorder311 Stories 003

recorder311 Stories 003

I was at a meeting in Shimane Prefecture when I learned about the earthquake. This paralyzed the tra...

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recorder311 Stories 002

recorder311 Stories 002

I was on the first floor of the Sendai Civic Activities Support Center, and guided the evacuation of...

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recorder311 Stories 001

recorder311 Stories 001

I was at home when the quake struck, and immediately went to collect my child from elementary school...

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