Shinchimachi, Soma district, Fukushima
A record of Shinchimachi, Soma district, Fukushima two months and 22 days after the earthquake....
Arahama Elementary School, Sendai City
In the Arahama area, tsunami-conscious local people evacuated to Arahama Elementary School following...
Kobuchihama, Ishinomaki: Isuzu Shrine Festival—Part 4, Kobuchi Base
This is the emergency headquarters in Kobuchi, Ishinomaki, named “Kobuchi Base.” A Mikoshi (f...
The Scene in Arahama
These are photos of Arahama taken on August 20, 2011. The path toward the Sendai Branc...
Kobuchihama, Ishinomaki: Isuzu Shrine Festival—Part 3, Heading Along a..
A line of cars, one of which carries a mikoshi (for mikoshi, refer to its Wikipedia entry at:...
On-site Inspection Tour by the Japan Society on Water Environment: the..
I went on an on-site inspection tour conducted by the Japan Society on Water Environment and ...
Okada Summer Festival: Chainsaw Carving
The Okada Summer Festival was held on August 13, 2011. Here you can see chainsaw carving cond...