keyword : Natori
The Bonds of a Gay Person
Written by: Futoshi Born and living in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Gay since birth. Late 30’s at the t...
Mt. Hiyoriyama on December 13, 2011
A view from Hiyoriyama-Fuji in Yuriage, Natori on December 13. Nine months have passed since ...
Voice in NATORI – Thirties,Male,Office Worker, Yuriage –
Real Voices of Reconstruction "What I'm hoping is that the town and everything will be get back to n...
Voice in NATORI – Fifties,Female,Housewife, Masuda –
Real Voices of Reconstruction "I really hope the huge reconstruction budget won't be wasted." Five m...
Voice in NATORI – Sixties,Male,Fisherman,Yuriage –
Real Voices of Reconstruction "Well, in order to make a living, I need money. There's no way that my...
Yuriage, Natori, Miyagi
A record of the neighborhood of Yuriage, Natori, Miyagi two months and three days after the earthqua...
Kitagama Community Center, Natori, Miyagi
A record of volunteers cleaning photographs damaged by the tsunami, in Kitagama Community Center.Pho...
Vicinity of Sendai Airport
While driving around Sendai Airport, an interviewee talks about the area before and immediately afte...
Yuriage, Natori, Miyagi
While driving in Yuriage, Natori, an interviewee talks about the area before and immediately after t...