keyword : sendai mediatheque
A Look at the Yamamoto Town Hall During the Five Days Following March ..
Yamamoto, a town located on the coast of Miyagi Prefecture, suffered 633 deaths and total destructio...
Evacuation Route Research Institute: The Case of Shinchi, Soma Distric..
Takezawa was living right next to the sea. When the earthquake struck causing bookshelves to fall on...
recorder311 Stories 031 Another Take
I felt such strong vertical shakes that I almost bit my tongue in the aftershock on April 7. My hous...
recorder311 Stories 031
I was driving to the office when the earthquake struck. Roads and buildings were shaking like curtai...
recorder311 Stories 033
I was in the office in Minato-ku, Tokyo when the earthquake struck. I immediately attempted to conta...
recorder311 Stories 033 Another Take
We created a space called "Minna no ie" (house for everyone), with a wide verandah and eaves. We hop...
sendai mediatheque: Restoration of a Piece of Large Glass
Since a large piece glass on the third floor of sendai mediatheque was broken in the earthquake on M...
recorder311 Stories 019 Another Take
Not only concerning this disaster, I am not comfortable about making date something like a code for ...
recorder311 Stories 019
I was on the 7th floor of sendai mediatheque. I took cover under my desk as the quake became stronge...
recorder311 Stories 015 Another Take
I never expected that issues of "who was and wasn't directly affected", feelings of "indebtedness" a...
recorder311 Stories 012
I was at work when the earthquake struck. I went downstairs and was surprised that the window glass ...
recorder311 Stories 008 Another Take
We aimed to make the "Thinking Table", which is installed in the open square on the first floor of s...
recorder311 Stories 005
I was in the central monitoring room in sendai mediatheque. The tremor was such that my body got thr...
March 11 Earthquake at the sendai mediatheque
A scene of the earthquake that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. This clip was filmed on the 7th floor of...