Mr. Yoshida’s Houses in the Okada Area

Okada area, Miyagino-ku, Sendai


A record of Mr. Yoshida’s houses in the Okada area as part of the “Livable Home” Series.


Mr. Yoshida’s Houses

The house closest to the sea.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses


At the front door, there is a nest built by swallows.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses


There are clear marks of the tsunami on the doors.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses


All the floors are raised, and slaked lime is scattered.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses


Walls are removed, and insulation soaked by the tsunami is replaced.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses


The windows are dirty due to marks left by the tsunami.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses

This is the middle house.

It seems to have been mostly repaired and is rented to volunteers free of charge.

Mr. Yoshida, who is giving an interview.

Mr. Yoshida, who is giving an interview.
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses


Some of the walls and floors are still being replaced.


Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses

This house is the farthest from the sea.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses


Although it was the house least damaged by the tsunami, and the one to which repair work has progressed the most, you can still see signs of the tsunami in places.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses
Mr. Yoshida’s Houses


This bench was made from a log by chainsaw artists.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses


This scar was made when furniture that floated on the water hit the ceiling.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses


This place has been left as it was without cleaning.

Mr. Yoshida’s Houses