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March, 2011

Bustle in the City

Bustle in the City

In Sendai Asaichi (morning market), vegetables and various other things were sold, and in spite of t...

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A House in the River

A House in the River

When I went to Takasago to visit my old friend, I found a house in the middle of the Nanakita River....

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From the day after the earthquake, I began scrambling to gather food, water and information. I usual...

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Starry Sky

Starry Sky

On the night of March 11 when the earthquake struck, the power supply was cut off. I was at work at ...

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March 11 Earthquake at the sendai mediatheque

March 11 Earthquake at the sendai mediatheque

A scene of the earthquake that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. This clip was filmed on the 7th floor of...

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