From Miyagi Prefectural Route 10 to Sendai-Shiogama Port filmed on Mar..
[Video from a camera mounted on a car] Driving through Miyagi Prefectural Route 10 into the Sendai-S...
The Route 45 from Nakanosakae Station to Tagajo Station filmed on Marc..
[Video from a camera mounted on a car] A record of the Route 45 (Sen-en Kaido Street) on March 21, 1...
From Miyagi Prefectural Route 139 to the Sendai Port area on March 21..
[Video from a camera mounted on a car] On March 21, 10 days after the earthquake. When driving towar...
The Route 45 from Sendai to Tagajo filmed on March 21, 2011
[Video from a camera mounted on a car] In the morning of March 21, 10 days after the earthquake. On ...
recorder311 Stories 033
I was in the office in Minato-ku, Tokyo when the earthquake struck. I immediately attempted to conta...
recorder311 Stories 033 Another Take
We created a space called "Minna no ie" (house for everyone), with a wide verandah and eaves. We hop...
recorder311 Stories 034
Soichi Sawachi is the owner of surf shop "Full Speed" and the Sendai Surf Shop Union chair person. "...