recorder311 Stories 028
I was at home when the earthquake struck. I could not move and I had no idea what was going on. All ...
NPO Asuiku
How child support activities started, and what issues are anticipated. Appearing: Yusuke Ohashi, Non...
Save the Children Japan
How child support activities started, and what issues are anticipated. Appearing: Tomoko Tsuda, Save...
recorder311 Stories 027
The radio was already airing news about the tsunami, but it did not hit home; I was not too worried ...
recorder311 Stories 026 Another Take
The people of Ishinomaki used to be less concerned about others, but they met, talked, and exchanged...
recorder311 Stories 026
I was aware of the news of the approaching tsunami, but I underestimated the danger. The water level...
recorder311 Stories 025
I am helping a citizens' workshop in Ishinomaki, which I launched in partnership with people I met t...
NPO National Homeless Support Network
Records of meal service activities carried out by various organizations in the wake of the earthquak...
NPO Miyagi Sendai Kodomo No Oka
Records of activities carried out by various organizations in the wake of the earthquake. Talk given...
NPO Ho-Yu Chief of the Secretariat
Records of meal service activities carried out by various organizations in the wake of the earthquak...
Interview with a video recorder Yasumasa Suetake
Yasumasa Suetake, who has kept recording his life, started filming and editing immediately after the...
recorder311 Stories 024 Another Take
Once talking to the local people and getting to know them, I get a better picture of what I can do, ...
recorder311 Stories 024
My feelings have not changed much since the earthquake occurred. Time has flown by while identifying...
recorder311 Stories 023
I was on the way to Onagawa, as I was worried about my fishing boat moored there. But when I saw peo...
recorder311 Stories 022
The tsunami came up to just below my guest house. As the building was undamaged, I opened it as an e...
Isuzu Shrine Festival in Kobuchihama, Ishinomaki
Isuzu Shrine Festival, planned and organized by local community, was held from July 15 to 17, 2011. ...
recorder311 Stories 021
I was in the administration building of the Seaside Park Adventure Field when the earthquake struck....
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I was at the Seaside Park Adventure Field at the time of the earthquake. For a while I was surrounde...
[Evacuation Route Research Institute] The Case of Ido, Wakabayashi-ku,..
Gathering clues to find the route for tomorrow. When two staff heard the sound of the tsunami crashi...
[Evacuation Route Research Institute] The Case of Ido, Wakabayashi-ku,..
Gathering clues to find the route for tomorrow. There were about 20 visitors at the park on March 11...
recorder311 Stories 019 Another Take
Not only concerning this disaster, I am not comfortable about making date something like a code for ...
recorder311 Stories 019
I was on the 7th floor of sendai mediatheque. I took cover under my desk as the quake became stronge...
recorder311 Stories 018 Another Take
It seems as if a huge wrapping cloth of the disaster is expanding every day. Now is the time to reev...
recorder311 Stories 018
I was about to get on a bus in Tokyo when the earthquake struck. I had never experienced such a trem...