recorder311 Stories 010

I was at my apartment in Odawara, Sendai. The doorframe of my front door became warped, so I needed the help of a neighbor to get me out. I do not want the earthquake experience to be looked upon with just "sorrow" and "regret" because I think this experience could improve and strengthen both me personally as well as the people in this town. For as long as I live, I want to keep reminding myself that I am the person I am now because of 3/11.

010: Teppei Kajika (Sonson Bentobako)
Whereabouts at the moment of the quake: Odawara, Miyagino-ku, Sendai, Miyagi

*Sonson Bentobako: Four-piece band formed in Sendai, Miyagi

recorder311 Stories:
stories recorded so that the experiences of 3/11 and the day itself will never be forgotten.