recorder311 Stories 032

I was very shocked that this was an enormous and complex disaster, with earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant accident as well—terrible mishaps one after the other. With any disaster, we all talk about it immediately after it heppened, but as time goes on, we tend to forget it. It is necessary for us to remember that a natural disaster can take away so many people's lives. After the earthquake, I was deeply impressed not only by Japan's recovery efforts but also by the Japanese people's determination to become stronger state in the face of adversity.

*The "center for remembering 3.11" of sendai mediatheque is grateful to the support it is receiving from the government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

032: Mr. Uri Rosenthal (Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Whereabouts at the moment of the quake: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

recorder311 Stories:
"recorder311 Stories" are stories recorded so that the experiences of 3/11 and the day itself will never be forgotten.