recorder311 Stories 015

I feel that the earthquake event tends to get diminished and become construed as if only people badly affected have suffered despite the fact that everyone has been hurt and is in a difficult situation. As long as each person can retell what's happening now in his or her own words, I think that it is not important whether they forget the experience or not.

015: Takahiro Nishimura (Café Philo de Sendai Facilitator / Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University Associate Professor)
Whereabouts at the moment of the quake: Tohoku Fukushi dai mae Station, Kunimi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi

*Café Philo de Sendai: Forum aiming to encourage participants to experience the challenges and excitement of developing original and robust ideas through engagement in "philosophical dialogue."

recorder311 Stories:
stories recorded so that the experiences of 3/11 and the day itself will never be forgotten.