recorder311 Stories 041

041: Yoshimi Akama (Miyatoko Historical Village Preservation Society Staff)

On the day of the earthquake, I was at home with my mother. After the tremor stopped, I made rounds of the local area by car to check on the safety of the residents, in part because I served as a commissioned welfare volunteer.
Now, more than 16 months later, we have returned to our normal convenient life from that terrible state where nothing was available. Even now, I sometimes think about the disaster.

041: Yoshimi Akama (Miyatoko Historical Village Preservation Society Staff)
Whereabouts at the moment of the quake: Ms. Akama's home (Miyatoko, Tiwa, Kurokawa, Miyagi)

"Wasuren! Stories (recorder311 Stories)"
are stories recorded so that experiences of 3/11 and the day itself will never be forgotten.