Video from a camera mounted on a car, filmed in Yoshidahama and Hanabu..
Yoshidahama and Hanabuchihama in Shichigahama, Miyagi district, Miyagi three months after the earthq...
Video from a camera mounted on a car at Arahama, Wakabayashi-ku, Senda..
A record of the Arahama area in Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai, Miyagi three months after the earthquake and...
Okada Summer Festival
On August 13, 2011, the “Okada Summer Festival” was held at Okada Elementary School, Sendai C...
Livable Home
Before the tsunami, there were many houses and stores along the Miyagi Prefectural Route 58 running ...
Fukanuma Beach, Arahama, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai, Miyagi
A record of Fukanuma Beach, Arahama, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, two months and 10 days after th...
Paddy Field Area in Yamamoto, Watari District, Miyagi
A record of the paddy field area in Yamamotocho, Watari district, Miyagi two months and 22 days afte...
Sakamoto Station in Yamamoto, Watari district, Miyagi
A record of Sakamoto Station in Yamamoto, Watari district, Miyagi two months and 22 days after the e...
Voice in Kesennuma – Thirties,Male,Fishery Proccessing,Osawa-Mot..
Real Voices of Reconstruction "Without reconstruction of the fishery processing industry, Kesennuma ...
Idoura, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai, Miyagi
A record of the Idoura in Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai, Miyagi two months and 10 days after the earthquake...
Shinchimachi, Soma district, Fukushima
A record of Shinchimachi, Soma district, Fukushima two months and 22 days after the earthquake....
Arahama Elementary School, Sendai City
In the Arahama area, tsunami-conscious local people evacuated to Arahama Elementary School following...
Voice in Kesennuma – Seventies,Female,ex-General Store,Tsurugaur..
Real Voices of Reconstruction "The younger generation nowadays doesn't even care about maintaining a...