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August, 2013

Voice in Ishinomaki – Fifties,Male,Grocery Storekeeper,Ishinomak...

Voice in Ishinomaki – Fifties,Male,Grocery Storekeeper,Ishinomak..

Real Voices of Reconstruction "Now that a common circumstantial origin between people has been estab...

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Voice in Sendai – Forties, Male, Office Worker, Arahama –

Voice in Sendai – Forties, Male, Office Worker, Arahama –

Real Voices of Reconstruction "It isn't acceptable that we are relocated towards downtown from the r...

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Traces of water

Traces of water

  In the management building of the Adventure Field, a red line is drawn to record the height t...

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Traces left on pine trees

Traces left on pine trees

  On the way to Teizan Canal through the Adventure Field, I see a lot of pine trees that have b...

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Voice in Sendai – Seventies,Male,ex-Plasterer,Shinhama –

Voice in Sendai – Seventies,Male,ex-Plasterer,Shinhama –

Real Voices of Reconstruction "The area around the sea, windbreak forests, everything has disappeare...

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Mt. Hiyoriyama on December 13, 2011

Mt. Hiyoriyama on December 13, 2011

  A view from Hiyoriyama-Fuji in Yuriage, Natori on December 13. Nine months have passed since ...

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recorder311 Stories 041  Another Take

recorder311 Stories 041 Another Take

Yoshimi Akama works as a receptionist and a guide at the Miyatoko Historical Village that operates t...

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recorder311 Stories 041

recorder311 Stories 041

On the day of the earthquake, I was at home with my mother. After the tremor stopped, I made rounds ...

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From Yakata, Izumi-ku to Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai  A record of return...

From Yakata, Izumi-ku to Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai A record of return..

  On March 11, I was at the Izumi Campus of Tohoku High School in Yakata, Izumi-ku, Sendai, to ...

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Discarded Cars in Yamamoto, Watari District, Miyagi

Discarded Cars in Yamamoto, Watari District, Miyagi

In Yamamoto, Watari district, Miyagi, a throng of cars discarded after the tsunami are piled up on t...

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Voice in Koori-Fukushima – Twenties,Female,Part-Time Jobber,Shib...

Voice in Koori-Fukushima – Twenties,Female,Part-Time Jobber,Shib..

Real Voices of Reconstruction "I thought there's something wrong in that in public, people say that ...

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